Eric Huntley & Jessica Huntley


Jessica Huntley was a publisher and community activist. Married to Eric Huntley, they were lifelong partners and came to the UK from Guyana in the 1950s and 60s.

In 1968, they established Bogle-L’Ouverture Publications (BLP), a pioneering publishing house which provided a radical platform for writers from Africa and the Caribbean. In a partnership that spanned over 60 years of dedication to various Black causes, the Huntleys published influential authors such as Walter Rodney, Linton Kwesi Johnson, Beryl Gilroy, Andrew Salkey, Valerie Bloom, Robin Walker and many others. In addition, they were engaged with many community groups, including the Black Parents’ Movement and the Keskidee Centre, one of the UK’s first African Caribbean Cultural Centres.

The blue plaque celebrated the life of Jessica Huntley, who passed away in 2013 and 50 years since Bogle-L’Ouverture was established.

The Nubian Jak Memorial Plaque is a timely recognition of the contributions made by Jessica and Eric Huntley to Black British experience for more than 50 years. The Memorial was recommended to the Nubian Jak Community Trust and is fully supported by the Huntley family. Huntley Family

Ealing has always welcomed people from different diverse backgrounds, and it is fitting that one of the first African and Caribbean book publishers in Britain was founded within this borough. We would like to extend our congratulations to the Huntley family on the 50th anniversary of formation of Bogle-L'ouverture, and welcome the Blue Plaque becoming an Ealing heritage site and place of interest. Mayor of Ealing, Cllr Tejinder Singh Dhami

Two halves of the same coin, a couple that complemented and completed each other. We were lucky to have the visionary publishing presence of Jessica and Eric Huntley in the UK, and to honour them with a Nubian Jak Community Trust Blue Plaque is a privilege. Jak Beula CEO of the Nubian Jak Community Trust.

The unique personal and political partnership forged by Jessica and Eric Huntley lasted more than 60 years, spanning their native Guyana and the Britain where they migrated in the late 1950s. The impact of the Ealing-based publishing enterprise they co-founded, Bogle-L’Ouverture, resonated around the world and, half a century later, continues to inspire us all today. Dr Margaret Busby, CBE, Hon. FRSL

Jessica and Eric Huntley pioneered Black Publishing alongside veterans such as Margaret Busby, of Allison and Busby, John La Rose and Sarah White of New Beacon Books. Based in West Ealing, Bogle-L’Ouverture had a massive impact both on the growing Black Supplementary/Saturday School movement and on multicultural education in the mainstream schooling and further/higher education system. Above all, it helped to shape and inform black political struggle across the generations, such that few black political and cultural activists would fail to acknowledge their indebtedness to the Huntleys. Professor Gus John 

 Location: 141 Coldershaw Road London, W13 9DU